

Policy makers have no end game, markets do.

The Royal Albatross invests capital on behalf of its clients via managed accounts. The portfolio aims to provide, low risk and low volatility capital growth in both bear and bull markets by investing in securities within various asset classes.

Dating back to 1973 (43 years), the strategy has a CAGR of 10,42% and only 2 year of negative return (-0,39% in 2008 and -2,06% in 2015).

The Royal Albatross Portfolio uses a unique, highly refined, technical analysis that identify long-term market signals, thus allowing investment manager to be invested in the right asset classes at the right time.

This Portfolio is best suited for sophisticated long-term investors as it focuses on capital preservation, and while it doesn’t beat the market each and every year, it does so when looking at any 10 year compounded annual growth return.


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